Makerspace Study Group at Eaton Public Library

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EPL Makerspace Study

The Eaton Public Library recently hosted a Makerspace Study Group on April 12th, led by Rebecca Teasdale, an Assistant Professor in Educational Psychology from the University of Illinois Chicago. The group consisted of five patrons, four of whom were small business owners.

The main goal of the study group was to understand the community's interests and needs regarding the potential makerspace at the library. Makerspaces, known for fostering creativity and hands-on learning, have become increasingly popular for innovation and community engagement.

Under Teasdale's guidance, participants discussed various aspects of what the makerspace could offer, from 3D printing to woodworking and coding. The group highlighted the importance of both high-tech equipment for prototyping and traditional craftsmanship for DIY projects.

The study group provided valuable insights into the community's preferences, laying the foundation for a makerspace that would cater to the diverse interests of Eaton residents.